The main patent: W02012136902
It has a priority date which is April 5 2011. It has already been delivered in the USA as US9058535 and in Europe as EP2695147.
it protects an authentication method which establishes a subsequent description of an authentication device that comprises a coded entity provided with light-disrupting elements referred to as "disrupters", and which compares this description with an original description of said authentication device, wherein the method comprises:
- said disrupters are grouped together in sub-entities referred to as "modules", with a module returning light in perceptibly different ways depending on the point of view from which it said module is observed;
- a description includes an operation referred to below as “acquisition” that uses acquisition means for measuring the brightness of a plurality of said modules, at one or more wavelengths or sets of wavelengths;
- said original description is established from an acquisition made from an original viewpoint defined relative to said authentication device; and
- the procedure enabling said subsequent description to be established and enabling said comparison to be made comprises:
- using positioning means that co-operate with a recognizable graphics structure referred to as a "marker" to determine the three-dimensional position in which said acquisition means are located relative to said authentication device;
- taking an acquisition while said acquisition means are placed close to the original viewpoint; and
- taking at least one additional acquisition:
- either from a viewpoint that is perceptibly different from said original viewpoint;
- or else under lighting that is different from that used for the acquisition that was used for establishing said original description
The second patent: WO2019141915
It has also been delivered in the USA under US11556629.
It protects a method where the user is not asked to place his smartphone in a specific location
This method comprises
- preparation of a reference framework
- Preparation of an authentication device with singularities (light-disturbing elements)
- Acquisition of images from several neighboring points to record "reference" 2D descriptions of this authentication device
- authentication
- The acquisition of an image from any point of view to determine a "later" 2D description
- The comparison between the "subsequent" 2D description with one of the 2D descriptions established from a point of view that is closest to that of the subsequent acquisition.